Opitx - Documentation

2. Installation

Several installation options are provided on the GitHub repository for Opitx. The option you choose will depend upon your distribution and preferences. Each is documented below.

Option 1: AppImage

Distro: All

Definitely the easiest option to set up across distros, this option enables you to run a single file that comes packaged with all of the dependencies and files necessary to run Opitx.

To Run Opitx as an AppImage
  1. Follow this link to the GitHub Repo
  2. Click Releases in the top right
  3. Select and Download the AppImage
  4. Make it executable with chmod a+x Opitx*.AppImage
  5. Run it with ./Optix*.AppImage

Or For More Permanent Integration
  1. Follow this link to the GitHub Repo
  2. Click Releases in the top right
  3. Select and Download the AppImage
  4. Follow this link for AppImage Launcher
  5. Download and install the version for your OS
  6. Then click the Opitx AppImage and when the dialog pops up hit "Integrate and Run"
  7. Then Opitx will be available to your system's menu too

Option 2: Debian Package

Distro: Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian/Ubuntu-Based

Enabling more permanent integration in Debian-based desktops, this method is the method that the author uses Opitx on his systems.

Install With Terminal
  1. Follow this link to the GitHub Repo
  2. Click Releases in the top right
  3. Select and Download the .deb package
  4. Navigate to the directory it was downloaded to
  5. Run sudo apt install /path/to/Opitx*.deb

Install With GDebi GUI
  1. Follow this link to the GitHub Repo
  2. Click Releases in the top right
  3. Select and Download the .deb package
  4. Insure that you GDebi installed with sudo apt-get install gdebi
  5. Right Click on the Package and Select "Open With"
  6. Select GDebi and then select "Install"
  7. Finally enter your password

Install With Gnome Software (Gnome/Budgie)
  1. Follow this link to the GitHub Repo
  2. Click Releases in the top right
  3. Select and Download the .deb package
  4. Double Click the Downloaded Package
  5. Hit "Install"
  6. Enter your password

Option 3: RPM Package

Distro: Redhat, Fedora, OpenSuse

While the author doesn't use these systems, he has made a package available for them to enable their users to have the more full integration he prefers with deb packages. These instructions will be more spartan for obvious reasons.

Install With Terminal
  1. Follow this link to the GitHub Repo
  2. Click Releases in the top right
  3. Select and Download the .rpm package
  4. Install with rpm -U optix*.rpm

Option 4: Development Server

Distro: All

This method could even in theory work with non-Linux OSes. It doesn't provide an integrated experience but allows you to edit Opitx to fit your needs (it is open source after all)

Development Server with Yarn
  1. Follow this link to the GitHub Repo
  2. Click Releases in the top right
  3. Download the ZIP Archive or Tarball
  4. Extract the directory
  5. Install the dependencies with yarn install
  6. Run the server with yarn run electron-dev